Monday, October 14, 2013

Welcome to the World, My Little Girl

My precious Mikayla.  This is our story about how you came into this world:

Your daddy and I always knew we would have a little girl, in fact, daddy had your name all picked out long before we even had the pleasure of seeing your beautiful smile and shining eyes.  You were very comfortable in mommy's belly.  I would feel like I was having constant, consistent contractions and then it would all stop.  I even went to the hospital twice, only to return home.  Finally, on the morning of October 14, I wasn't feeling myself.  My blood pressure was elevated so we headed to the hospital.  The kind nurses convinced Dr. Im to keep me in the hospital to induce me.  Your daddy and I were so excited to meet you.    I was induced around 7:00, and by 10:30/11:00 you were getting ready to make your debut.  Daddy really wanted you to be born on the 14th rather than the 15th because of the famous people you would share your birthday with (he is nutsy), and I just wanted you born healthy and strong.  My labor with you was truly quick and easy.  In about 4-5 pushes you were born!  Although you were only 3 days shy of your due date, your daddy and I thought you would be a little thing.  Imagine our surprise when they told us you were 8 pounds 4 ounces!  You didn't seem that big to us because you had such petite features.  Right from the start you were a great baby.  You were easy-going and pretty quiet.  In the hospital, you were right on track.  By the 3rd day, we were ready to go home!  You have been born into such a big and loving family.  Your aunts, uncles, cousins, and Nana and Papa were are dying to meet you!  You are the 6th granddaughter out of 7 grandchildren!  I truly cannot wait to watch you grow up and leave your mark on this world.  You are such a special person and we love you so very much!  Happy birthday my baby girl!

Mikayla Marie Von Rosen
October 14, 2013
11:39 p.m.
8 lbs, 4 oz
20.75 inches