Saturday, March 26, 2011

Eight Months Young!

Wow.  I cannot believe you are already 8 months old.  Daddy and I often say, "Remember when he was just a baby he would...".  You are literally growing up right in front of our eyes.  This month more than any other month so far, you have made it clear to us and everyone around you that you are a big boy, not a baby (except when you don't get your way, you can turn into quite a "baby").  You are not one for practicing a skill until it is perfect, you would much rather accomplish a skill to some degree and then move on to another more exciting skill.  For example, this month you really started to get crawling down, but once you felt you had that under control, you moved on to pulling yourself up to a standing position.  You are now even trying to take steps!  I keep telling you to, "Slow down!!", something I think I am going to have to repeat often.

Playing ball with your cousins
Daddy is in heaven because you have been paying more attention to soccer games on television and have become quite skilled with moving things with your feet.  He is working very hard with you on your left foot ;).  You are finally ALMOST sleeping through the night.  You go down very easily and wake up only once for a bottle and a diaper change.  You are still a great napper. Bath time is easily your favorite part of the day.  You like the water very warm, just like Mommy.  You love to crawl around, splash, and play with your hundreds of toys.

I love bath time!
Look what I can do!
Trying to figure out how to drink the water.
Please just 5 more minutes!?
Feeding you has been quite a difficult task.  You tend to be quite fickle.  What you love one day may be something you absolutely hate the next.  You definitely challenge us with your palate!  At the moment, you REFUSE to eat anything from a spoon.  And your first taste of anything, even if it is something you love, is always one of disgust.  I think you may one day be a food critic.  You will eat snacks all day long if I let you, but I don't.  Right now you love the Gerber Lil' Crunchers, cantaloupe, apples, arrowroot cookies, carrots, and bread dipped in anything.

This kid will go after anything he's not supposed to!
Can you please make this for me, Mom?
 You are such a happy and funny baby!  You pretty much love everything except getting your diaper and clothes changed.  We love you so, so much!  You bring so much joy into our lives!  Happy 8 months, Jack!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

8 Second Ride

Mr. Jack has decided he wants to be a bronco ridin' cowboy!  Instead of taking a nice, calm and peaceful nap, he decided to do this...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


So Jack is officially crawling!  Even though it is tough to keep up with him, I have to say, it is so much fun to watch him explore!  Plus, it's nice to be able to put him down to do something without him getting angry and frustrated that he can't move or worry about him toppling over.  We have been having so much fun playing together at home and at the park!  Walking is just around the corner!  Does anyone know the secret to stop him from growing up so fast?  Sniff, sniff.

New toy?
Favorite toy...poor Dixie!

I LOVE this face!

Swim To Shore, Little Guppy!

As promised, here are some photos and videos of my little guppy at his Swim to Shore lesson.  Daddy came with us this time and Jack was SO happy to have his big guppy, lifeguard Daddy there in the water with him.  Papa even came to cheer Jack on!  What a loved little guppy!

Oh yeah!  I'm going swimming!
I LOVE this place!
Okay kid...time to give up that fishy!

This is AWE-SOME...
Wait!  Where's my fishy?!

 Blow bubbles, Jack!  Don't drink the water!

Jack with his girlfriends, Miss Kenzy and Maya.
This is so easy!
Under water we go!
London Bridges!

You're the best, Daddy!
Let me just get one of these to keep me company.
Isn't it almost time for lunch?

Monday, March 7, 2011

New Puppy

We got a new puppy and didn't even know it!

Gotcha!  As much as Dixie loves playing with other dogs, she likes being an only "child".  This is Jack's new thing, picking up socks and blankets and crawling around with them in his mouth.  He especially likes it when we make a barking sound for him.

Sew Crazy!

My mom's friend let me borrow a VERY nice sewing machine to practice my sewing skills.  It is so nice I returned my $60 Walmart sewing machine I recently purchased because there is such a huge difference in the quality.  I have been busy practicing, practicing!  Here are a few things I have made:

I made a care package for my niece, Maddie, for her Tennessee trip.  I sewed this little tote bag myself!

These are a few more items I made for her.  I made a pencil case, a coin purse, and I used fabric stiffener to make a gift box for a necklace I got her.  I LOVE sewing, however, it used to be difficult for me to go down the paper aisle at Joanns or Michael's because I am obsessed with paper, but now it is fabric!  Next I am going to try making covers for seat cushions for our kitchen table chairs.  Now that Jack is mobile, it may take me awhile to finish that project!