Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby Proofing 101


 So I am one of those people who have decided to baby proof as needed, as we go along, if you will.  Maybe not the best idea, but the thought of latching every cupboard and drawer, covering every outlet, making every door pinch-free, locking the toilet seats down,  and padding every sharp edge in our house is a daunting task!  Besides, how will Jack ever learn NOT to get into things if I prevent him from doing every single one?!  So as a new mom and being from a family of ALL girls, I thought, how much stuff can he really get into?

The answer:


It all started with the outlets.  I swear, the child was not even interested in the dang things until I put one of those plastic covers in it.  There he went, crawling over and what did he do?  He figured out how to pull that sucker right out!  Okay fine, I need better outlet covers.  No problem.  Next...we have a stone fireplace with sharp edges.  "Why would he want to play there when he has a 3500 square foot house to play in?",
 I think to myself.  Why?  Because he senses the danger and likes living on the edge (oh, and he loves to drive me crazy).  Day in and day out that child will not stop climbing (and thus falling) off the sharp fireplace edge.  Okay, fine.  A foam bumper.  I can do that.  I tell Surya we'll pad the coffee table, too, buy a gate for the top of the stairs and we should be good!  


Since this day that I thought everything was fine, Jack has decided to try his hand at everything.  He opens cabinets and drawers, tries to climb in the toilet, unrolls the toilet paper, gets into the trashcan, opens the fireplace doors, opens and shuts doors, tries to climb up the stairs, and don't even get me started with what he does to poor Dixie (sorry Dixie, no baby-proofing exists for dogs)!

Here's the breakdown today:

New indestructible outlet covers:  $4.99/pack
Foam bumpers:  $7.99 - 12.99
2 gates: $50.00 each
cabinet and door latches:  $6.99/pack
Mommy running around chasing after him EVERYWHERE:  -5 lbs (bonus!)
Delaying the inevitable trip to the emergency room one more day:  PRICELESS


  1. Yeah...A child's job is to push boundaries...a parent's job is to maintain those boundaries.

  2. Haha such a boy!! We did the same thing...babyproof as you go. Now that brayden is almost 3, we are finding "new" things to babyproof. OH and the "best" part is that they LEARN how to undo the safety locks on drawers/cupboards/ovens/etc. Ah, the joys of parenthood!!
