Thursday, October 6, 2011

Videos Galore!'s been too long since I've been here to make a post!  Sorry all!   We have been having so much over here in the Von Rosen house that I haven't had time to post about all the fun we're having.  Here are a variety of  videos of our crazy boy for you all to enjoy.  He has been cracking us up and I hope you all get a chuckle watching him as well, after all, everyone needs to laugh and smile at least once a day; it's good for your health!

Jack and Daddy in "That Hilarious Fly Swatter"

Jack in "The Closet Under the Stairs"
I had a pretty cool classroom library while I was teaching and luckily, we have a fabulous space under the stairs that can be used for storage or a playroom.  So I took my classroom curtains, my furniture and all my books and games and made the room into a place where the kids can get away from all the stale adults.  Now that Jack is older, he has discovered this room is pretty cool!

Jack in "Hmmmm?"
I love now when you ask Jack anything he faces his palm up and says, "Hmmm?"  It is just too cute!  Here he is wondering where his cousins are.

Jack in "I am going to find a way to get what I want whether you like it or not!"
Jack has taught us that putting stuff up on tables and counters, out of his reach, is a dirty trick in his world.  So he has found a way to outsmart us all!

Jack the Gymster
Jack has been in My Gym since he was about 4 months old.  He has moved from "Little Bundles" to "Tiny Tykes" and now he is in "Waddlers."  He is really taking in everything in and practicing his skills at home.  He also just plain loves lying, climbing, and throwing himself on and off the couch!

This is the end of the Jack Show.  We hope you all had a great time!  Come back and visit us soon!

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