Monday, May 5, 2014

Months 5 & 6

Our dearest Mikayla, these past few months have been so crazy and fun.  You are quite the adventurous and funny little girl.  At 5 months you were rolling everywhere and LOVE being around your brother.  You started eating solids at 5 months and it cracks your Dad and I up because you and your brother are so opposite!  When I had all the time in the world, I made your brother tons of homemade purees which he refused to eat.  He just loved the Gerber food.  However, you love anything and everything I make for you and refuse to eat the Gerber food!  I am so happy that you like the homemade stuff because I love making delicious and nutritious for my babies.  Feeding you can be quite a challenge because you are so nosy and busy all the time.

You just absolutely adore your brother and, of course, Dixie.  You have such a fun, curious and intense little personality!


You are such a happy little girl.  You love to eat and for the most part, you love to sleep.  We can put you down in your crib and you play with your toys in there and then eventually put yourself to sleep.  However, you are a climber already.  You are quite the moving machine!  You army crawl (quite emphatically, I might add) everywhere, including your crib.  In the middle of the night, you spot that baby monitor and we swear you know that we are watching you.  You smile and laugh right into it and then you grab it.  I think you have figured out that if and when you grab it, we will come in. You are very clever...we are in trouble! You are getting better at sitting up all by yourself and you absolutely love being held all the time.  You love the outdoors and people watching, just like your brother.

You are quite adventurous in the culinary world.  You pretty much eat anything and everything we offer you.  You have had butternut squash, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, zucchini, bananas, pears, avocado, pears, yams, carrots, mango, and spinach.

You talk to yourself and others all day long.  No real words, but lots and lots of babbling and repeating sighs and noises we make.  We feel so fortunate that God blessed us with you, Mikayla. You have brought so much joy into our family.  We love you to the moon and back and we can't wait to watch your grow!

Here are the off-the-chart stats for your growth and development at 6 months:

WEIGHT: 18 pounds 7 ounces (71st percentile)

LENGTH: 27.5 inches (91st percentile!! Tall girl!!)

HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 99th percentile (just like your brother, baby big head)

We love our big, healthy, chunky-monkey girl!!!

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