Oh Jack, where has the time gone? You are now 10 months old! Sometimes I forget what a big boy you are and I find myself rushing to stop you from doing something only to find that you are a big boy now and can do many things on your own without hurting yourself, like climbing, cruising, and pushing things endlessly across the house.
When you were in my belly, Papa had a dream about you. He said that in his dream you were a little naughty and we have found that you are indeed very strong-willed. I know I will never have to worry about anyone pressuring you to do things you don't want to do. You are so very curious, too. Your dad and I are still in the process of trying to baby-proof this house because you always find SOMETHING to get into. You do not give up easily either...or forget. The other day at Babies-R-Us, I turned around to find you standing (strapped in, of course) in the cart seat! Then you took the rubber cover off my cell phone and threw my phone to the ground, breaking it! Oi vey, little boy!
You LOVE to laugh and be silly. We have so much fun together! You have become such a good and adventurous eater. You still don't like some things that I make you, but you have gotten much better. You babble and talk a lot. Everything is either "Dada" or "dog-dog". You even try to say Dixie.
At 9 1/2 months you weighed 22.83 lbs (74th percentile), your head circumference is in the 94th percentile, and you are 30 inches tall (97th percentile). You are just PERFECT and we love you so, so much!
When you wake up, you want OUT of that crib! |
You always look out the door for Daddy or Dixie. |
Good morning, handsome! Are those blueberries on your face? |
What are you doing? |
Oh yeah! Just being JACK!! |
You love our afternoon walks! |
Look at those soccer skills! |
Maybe you're going to be a goalie! |
Your most favorite thing to do ALL day!!... |
bug Dixie!! |
Poor Dixie girl!! |
You get very sad when I put her outside. This is what you usually do. So sweet! |
Silly boy! |
We can't wait to you see you grow in this 10th month! We love, love, love, love you!!
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