At 11 months, you are....trouble! |
Here we go Jack-Jack. In one more month, you will officially be my toddler and no longer my infant. My goodness! This month has been a month of trying new things and gaining self-confidence and independence (not that you lacked either). You have so much personality! You always have us cracking up from your cute little belly laugh to your focus on the little tasks. You truly are a "Jack-of-all-trades"! You LOVE being outside. I am considering bathing you outside now that summer is here and I swear you would sleep just as peacefully outside if I set your crib up out there. Here are some of your other milestones and favorite things:
- You now have 7 teeth, 4 on top and 3 on the bottom
- You say "Da-Da" for just about everything, but you actually look at Daddy and say it.
- You can finally say Dixie!
- You are absolutely head over heels in love with your Papa and you call him, "Ga-Ga."
- You love dirt, rocks, sand, bugs...in other words, you are all boy!
- You love to swim.
- You just started to stand all by yourself and have even attempted at a step or two!
- You know how to climb down things by turning around and going backwards.
- You love to pretend to talk on the phone and brush your hair.
This month you took your first airplane ride. I can't say it was easy, but you charmed everyone with you personality and good looks, so I don't think they minded the first 20 minutes of fussiness on your behalf. You just can't stand sitting still! You earned your wings and got to see the cockpit and meet the pilots!
You fulfill Daddy and I's lives in so many ways. We love you more than words can ever describe. You are such a good baby and we are going to make sure that we always take good care of you and give you the life you deserve! Happy 11 months...now I am off to plan your first birthday party!
You are very good at tearing and piling! |
Jack and Grandma Sherry |
"I need a few bucks for a toy, Daddy." |
"On second thought, I will just use one of your cards." |
"I am a big boy now!" |
You love playing with your cousins! |
You refuse to try the skills at My Gym, something I pay for, but will try everything at the park! Are you trying to tell me something? |
I love that you love the sand! |
Always on the move! |
You play hard and dirty...I actually had to hose you down because you were filthy from your ears to between your toes and under your fingernails! |
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