Thursday, December 30, 2010

5 Months Old!

Mr. Jack, you are now 5 months old!  Daddy and I were looking at pictures and couldn't believe 5 months with you have already flown by.  You have such a fun, charming, and VERY intense little personality.  You definitely know what you want when you want it and nobody better get in your way when you are trying to get it!  You want to be much older than your 5 short months, but I am holding on to each day with you.  You are so truly loved by so many people.  You absolutely LOVE people, especially the big kids.  You will sit and watch them for hours on end.

You have been eating solids for a full month now and you are loving every bit of them.  You now eat rice cereal, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots and your new food today, which you love, sweet peas.  You are such a good eater, maybe even too good.  You still get up once in the night to eat.  However, you really don't even want our help anymore holding your bottle, you are such a big boy, you want to do it yourself.

You LOVE, LOVE Dixie girl.  She comes in the room in the morning to say good morning and your whole face lights up.  Even if you are cranky and crying, one look at Dixie and you feel much better.

Everyone is still amazed by how big and solid you are.  You have such large hands and feet!  But above all else, your personality is the biggest.  You love to smile and laugh at people and be out and about.  In fact, you are not even fazed when we have to leave you with someone!  You want to grab EVERYTHING in your reach and you are willing to throw yourself at anything not in your reach that looks interesting.  You still don't quite understand what the big deal is about rolling over.  You can do it, but don't see the big deal.  You would much rather stand, or be walked around everywhere so you can look and grab.  We love you so much and are having a blast watching you grow and develop!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to all and to all a GOOD NIGHT!!

Jack's first Christmas was a success filled with lots of great memories!  We went over to my parents house and he was surrounded by loving aunts, uncles, great-aunts and uncles, abuelita, Nana, Papa, first cousins and second cousins.  He LOVES opening presents!  By the end of the day, he was completely over-stimulated, but luckily Uncle Will had the patience and the love to put him to sleep.  He received more presents than he knows what to do with!  Thank you to everyone who helped to make his first Christmas a special one.  We love you all!

 Jack loved his Jeep walker from Nana and Papa!

Look at what Santa brought me! 
Santa brought me chicken-flavored sticks!  I must have been a VERY good girl!
Opening presents

Partying until 8:00!!  What an animal!
I'm pooped!  What a great first Christmas!  Don't bother with me, I'll sleep here for the night.
 Jack made out like a bandit...he is loved!
The loot

Christmas 2010 has come to an end.  We hope everyone had a safe, happy, and Merry Christmas this year.  Sadly, Surya and his family lost his Grandma Gloria today, a very special lady indeed.  We are so fortunate and grateful that Jack got to meet her during our Thanksgiving visit.  We loved her very much and she will be missed terribly.  Earth lost a wonderful woman, but heaven gained an angel.  We love you Grandma Gloria!  Be at peace with your loved ones, we will forever cherish your memory in our hearts.
Grandma Gloria, our new guardian angel


Friday, December 24, 2010

'Twas the Night Before Christmas...

'Twas the night before Christmas in the the Von Rosen house

Not a creature was a stirring;
Not even a dog mouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care;

In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of bottles sugar-plums danced in their heads.

And Mommy in her pj's,

and Daddy in his cap;
Had just settled down for a long Winter's nap.

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Projects Update

I feel like I have 20 projects going on at once!  I am happy to say, though, that I have made progress!

Surya's Bathroom

Surya's bathroom To-Do List:

1.  Primer walls
2.  Paint top half gray, bottom half white
3.  Add board and batten
4.  Frame mirror
5.  Install new toilet
6.  Install new shower curtain rod
7.  Hang picture and add new switchplates

Jack's Room
Window seat cushion:  Mandi and I are sewing a cover, well, Mandi is and I am learning!

Jack's name:  Cover canvas with fabric and glue letters down.

Extra pillows I bought from Pottery Barn Teen for Jack's window seat.  I am hoping to sew some more.
Christmas Crack Nostalgia Project
I am happy to say that I have picked up stitching!  I am LOVING the Advent Calendar project, however, Surya is already sick of it and calls it my "crack" project because I am addicted to finishing it!  Maybe I'll have it finished before Jack's 18th birthday afterall!
Sewn by hand all by myself!

Is It Christmas, Yet?

It has been busy in the Von Rosen household and it isn't even Christmas, yet!  Here are a few of the things we've been up to:

Dixie had some friends come visit.

Tessa and Taylor tired me out!
She loves her cousins, too!

Jack got to open a few presents from Grandpa and Grandma.
This ribbon is the best gift ever!

For me?
 Jack finally got his stocking!  
What am I supposed to do with this thing?
Jack was caught under the tree snooping at his gifts!
Hmmmm...this one looks interesting!

It wasn't me, I swear!
Christmas Day countdown has begun!  Lots to do this week!  Jack and Daddy went out early this morning to get Mommy a cup of Joe so I can push through!  Apparently this tired Jack out (thank goodness!)
Coffee runs are tiring!
Have a great week everyone!  Don't get lost in the crowds!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mommy's New Best Friend

Jack has become too chunky big for his Bumbo, so we let sweet, petite little Anayah borrow it.  In the meantime, I had ordered a big boy highchair for Jack (that's right, I'm not messing around!).  So it arrived a few days ago, and if I was Oprah, this item would be on my list of My Favorite Things.  This wonderful invention allows me to clean my pump accessories, wash bottles, prepare Jack's huge meals of rice cereal, bananas, squash, or sweet potatoes, and even allows me to eat my lunch with 2 hands!  I am in heaven with this contraption.  Jack props his chunky monkey feet up on the tray, and I arrange a plethora of toys in front of him and let him go to town.  Where oh where would I be without this device?

I'm ready for my cereal, Mom!

Chillin' while Mommy eats her lunch!

Catchin' flies.  That highchair even wore him out!  Ahhhhh!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crazy for Nostalgia or Just Plain Crazy?

When my sisters and I were born, my mom made each of us a cross-stitch Christmas banner which I absolutely adored.  It wasn't Christmas until my banner was hung on the wall.

SIDEBAR:  I always knew mine because it was the only one with all the animals on it.  Why is this sidebar important?  Because it explains a small thing about myself.  When I was little I was the youngest in the neighborhood and nobody ever wanted to play with me.  So when I would tell my mom, "Mommy, no one will pay wif me," she would lovingly respond that I should go play with Snoball, our miniature poodle.  I think that is how I became such an animal lover.

My beautiful Christmas banner made with love by my Mommy.

Now that I am a mommy, I wanted to do something like this for Jack.   After  searching numerous craft stores and websites, we finally found them!  I was so incredibly excited that I bought three kits.  A Christmas tree, an Advent Calendar, and beach-themed ornaments.  My mom insisted that they were very easy and fun to do.  I figured it would be a great project for me since I don't get to exert my creativity side these days like I did daily in my classroom.

What was I thinking?
Within minutes of opening the package, I had a strong feeling that I might have made a HUGE mistake.  First of all, I absolutely despise reading directions (I know, shameful as a teacher); I give all directions to Surya to follow and assemble.  However, he made it very clear to me that he would have nothing to do with this project.  This kit has 8 PAGES of directions and diagrams!  Ughhhh!  My worst nightmare!  To make matters worse, the last time I actually stitched anything was in Girl Scouts in the 4th grade!  I finished reading the first page and an hour later I realized those were just the general instructions!  Oi vey!  Oh well, I did manage to get Step 1 completed, which is simply separating all the thread and cutting them into 18" strips (something I can't yet figure out why they didn't just come sized that way).  Oh boy, I have a lot to learn.  A phone call to my mom later, she encouraged me not to give up and said she would help me with this massive project.  Maybe I will have one kit finished by Jack's 18th birthday and he can take it with him to college!  

Step 1 finished...100 more to go! :(

And this is the one I decided to start with...seriously?!  I have to make all those little pieces!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deck the Halls...Jack's 1st Concert

Let the festivities begin!  My nieces were in a benefit concert tonight and Jack was able to attend his first real concert.  He is a music lover at heart.  He was completely engaged the entire time he was awake (which was about 3 hours).  In fact, he was so excited watching his cousins perform live that he had an explosive poop (TMI, I know) in his Aunt Crissy's lap!  My niece, Maddie, was a part of the Winter Berries and she sang her own solo!  She was absolutely amazing!  Kaitlyn and Lilly were a part of the Candy Canes group and they were so adorable singing onstage.   The whole fam was in attendance: Nana, Papa, Aunt Crissy, Uncle Leonard, and Shelby and Ella.  What a great way to kick off December!

Being entertained by his cousins before the show

The Hayes Gals
Changing his explosive poopy diaper...What?!  It was an exciting show!
Quote of the evening: 
Nicole (Alyssa's Friend):  (in the hallway) What's that smell?

Alyssa: I think that was Jack's poop!

Nicole: No way!  I know what baby poop smells like and that is not it.  I think a sewer line broke!

Oh the joy of starting solids early! 
