Mr. Jack, I can't believe it, you turned 7 months old on Saturday! Your little personality is turning more and more into a little boy and less of a baby. Here are your seven month stats...drum roll please...:
- Weight: 20 lbs 5.8 ounces
- Height: 27.5 inches
- Head Circumference: 45.1 cm
What do all these numbers tell us? You are a BIG, but healthy, baby boy! You had us cracking up this month. You love to talk and babble. You started two new sounds: da-da (I wish you could have seen daddy's happy look) and ya-ya. You love to put the 2 together and say "ya-ya da-da." It is the cutest thing ever! Your two bottom teeth are officially in and the top 2 just started making their presence known. You are scooting around ALL over the place! You LOVE cords, wires, ribbons, and tags. Dixie remains your loyal and trusted companion. You are so loved my Jack-Jack. We can't wait to see what new developments occur this next month!
"Move or I'll honk! You haven't heard? I'm 7 months!" |
"Chillin' on my ride" |
Still looking forward to meeting him!
ReplyDeleteI know, I know! It's crazy how busy life becomes with a baby! We just need to set something up on our calendars!