Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What was I thinking?

So I bought a scrap book back when I was pregnant that I was sure I was going to fill out for Jack.  That book as you can see still has a photo of another little boy in there, not Jack.  I justified not doing it with not being able to do one for my future children.  So I thought, maybe I will just do a simple pre-made baby book.  I have started that one but have yet to print out any photos for it.  All the while I have been following my good friend Mandi's blog and thinking that is the perfect thing for me to start.  I can type quickly and it is easy to just upload photos.  So Mandi and Anayah came over today to hang out with Jack and I, and so Mandi could help me set up the blog.  What was I thinking?  It took me 45 minutes to come up with something decent enough for our blog name, and that was only the first step!  Oi vey!  Am I too much of a perfectionist for this as well?  We shall see!  I am just going to dive in and see where I get with this.


  1. I'm glad Mandi and Anayah could come help watch Jack and help you start your blog. I look forward to reading these. Happy Blogging, dear Mandy!

  2. Yay, you joined the blog bandwagon with me!! Be prepared to get addicted. Let me know if you need "help" with anything ;)

  3. soooooooo cute and while you may be too much of a perfectionist, it will satisfy my craving to "talk" to you.
