Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Drawer Full of Food

Those of you who follow my blog know that some friends and I recently made our own baby food.  I was so excited for this day to come.  I bought the oh so fancy Beaba baby food cooker while I was pregnant with Jack in hopes of fulfilling my hippie mom dreams of cloth diapering and making my own baby food.  It has been 2 weeks since I made all this food and I want to show you how much I have left (which should seem like a lot if you know my son):

Notice some of the trays and cups are empty.  "Jack must have loved it!  Good for him for eating it all up" is what you may be thinking.  WRONG!  My child refuses to eat ANY of this delicious homemade and nutritious food.  He is not even slightly fooled when I try to mix it with the Gerber baby food.  He absolutely loves the preservative-filled Gerber food.  If I try to sneak in a small bite with his processed and loved Apple Sweet Potato he quickly closes his lips and turns his head.  Now if I go back in with just the Gerber stuff, he opens his mouth and says, "Mmmmmm!"  He even has the Gerber baby sound down (which I must admit is pretty adorable).  I really don't know why I am surprised since this is the same child who refused to nurse, but said, "Bring on the bottle!"  Oh well, I guess I am 0 for 2.  Here is a glimpse into a future conversation with Jack, let's say in 10-12 years.

J:  What's for dinner?
Mom:  Your dad made a delicious meal from Bon Appetit magazine.
J:  Can't we just have Taco Bell?
Mom:  Oi vey!

Surya has been asking if he can eat the frozen mangoes and applesauce.  Why not?!  Someone may as well enjoy it!  Who knew when I bought this fancy machine, I would be making baby food for my husband instead of my baby!

1 comment:

  1. No, don't give up yet! Just keep forcing it on him...he'll give in eventually, right?! :)
